
You can download these high resolution images for use in publications about Noorderslag, EuroSonic and the Noorderslag Seminar only. All logo's Copyright © Grafisch Komplot BNO

Please notice that the design of the logo's is such, that they are all tilted clockwise (12,5 degrees). When using the logo's this should be respected.

! (Some browsers cannot show these images inline or if they do, you might not be able to save them correctly. Just drag these links to your desktop. They will be saved there as .TIF files usable on Mac and PC in any DTP-application like QuarkXPress, Photoshop, Pagemaker etc.)

[logo_es.gif] EuroSonic Logo (TIFF / 300DPI / 67K)

[logo_ns.gif] Noorderslag Logo (TIFF / 300DPI / 153K)

[logo_sem.gif] Logo Seminar (TIFF / 300DPI / 66K)

[caesar.jpg] Caesar (TIFF / 300DPI / 392K)

[ilse_delange.jpg] Ilse DeLange (TIFF / 300DPI / 582K)


Aan de redactie: voor meer informatie: Marije Jansen, tel: 06 - 55 802 782, e-mail: marije@xs4all.nl of

Arne Lampe, tel: 050 - 3680 248, fax: 050 - 3680 246.


To the editor: for more information please contact Marije Jansen, ph.: +31 (0)6 - 55 802 782, e-mail: marije@xs4all.nl or

Arne Lampe, ph.: +31 (0)50 - 3680 248, fax: +31 (0)50 - 3680 246.